Sunday, 3 April 2011


Finally finished the layout style... handed the files to Darren.

Waiting on the files from everybody...

STILL NOT HAPPY with what TONY has contributed to the group.


Friday, 25 March 2011


Reason ive not been updating, is the fact ive been doing minute changes to the website template and didnt see the need to keep you updated via screenshots.

but we did change the colour control on the logo as the group thought it was abit too dark... so here you go...


Saturday, 12 March 2011


so been working on this one... and i think we've finally gotten the final logo! seems to work well... only thing i dont like is the arch on the D where u can see a slight pixelation... but it ROCKS!


Friday, 11 March 2011


One more edit with the new texture in the background instead of the grey...
new logo... considering some didn't like the "project x" so i went with the "7 (SEVEN)" as thats the number of members in our group. ALSO added the R.D into the logo as the research and development was missed out in previous editions of logo.



so our groups been abit messed up recently with direction but me and josh decided to actually take a charge of things abit... n we had a speak with dale n try to figure out the limits of layer (now that we've change app)

we realised that we need to do resoloution of 800 wide by 460 tall...

we also realised that we would have to make it a website and work it along side designs... so ive been coming up with these designs... and i also made a killer LOGO...

Then ive also been working with generic ideas for enoch to turn into a website been working on a really basic one...

and then i worked on abit more fancy one intergrating the early edition of the logo...


Tuesday, 1 March 2011


so i've been in hospital and kept my eyes off the screen to keep my migraines at bay... but ill fill u in.

so we did the presentation and went really well id like to say we presented brilliantly considering we raised all points and kept it realistic instead of saying were going to do this this and this when we knew we couldn't deliver.

i came up with this design just incase the 3d panorama's wouldn't be operational on the phones..

Id like to say the picture is easy to read long panoramic picture and then click left arrow to make it go left click right to make it go right... apologies for my poorly photo-shoped up fake iphone.

today we had a lesson and i was showing the guys my pdf's for the menu's trying to keep it all in similar style...

well they all seen baring tony! his attendance is shocking for this lesson and really doesn't seem like he's contributing a whole deal to the group. we have raised this up with our MCP and i think he's on his final warning.


Monday, 21 February 2011

Coming along...

We have been out in our groups and taken pictures of the places management have allowed us to take pictures of, we have then done some cylindrical panoramas and morphed them into a virtual world... but we dont think that the phone will be able to run that sort of application so i have thought of an other idea that im working on currently in photoshop to show the other method.

Other than that its going to be in movie format.

Pete has worked up a presentation for us to present and then JJ has added the rating system really looking forward to what people have done.


Group Selection..

Luckily i managed to get into a group with people i know wont screw me over... as last year i got screwed over and failed the integrated module due to someone getting a power kick...

Im in a group of 7... which i didn't think would be allowed but seemed to be okayed.

We have decided on our idea for the project, we are doing a STUDENT rated system on places to eat focused around the trail from the train station - city hall.

Places of interest include

Burger king
Costa Coffee

The Howard
The Hubs
The globe
The Uni Cafes

The Graduate

Ive sectioned them of like that mainly because there groups that will be going out and taking pictures of individual stops and collecting data from the menu.



For my intergrated project i was unable to go to the first lesson due to prior interview commitments.

Which i explained to the module leader and had an okay to go.